Thursday, April 21, 2011

agama :)

Assalammualaikum, hee. tiada apa yang hendak di bincangkan di sini, cuma kadang -kadang tu tercetus idea aku nak menulis tentang seseorang,  Ahmad Deedat , rasa - rasa korang kenal tak ? aku pun mula - mula tak kenal la jugak kan, tp ada seroang sahabat ni bagitahu aku siapa dia, rupa-rupanya dia la ahmad deedat antara perjuang islam, dia berbahas dgn semua org antara paderi2, pastors, christian, jewish, dan sebagai nya.  
aku memang respect Ahmad Deedat bile dia debates dgn semua christian . terbaikk . siapa dia yang sebenarnya ? baca bawah ni. :) 
Sheikh Ahmed Hoosen Deedat Al-Hafiz (lahir 1 Julai 1918 – meninggal 8 Ogos 2005 pada umur 87 tahun) adalah seorang cendekiawan Muslim dalam bidangperbandingan agama (comparative religion). Beliau juga merupakan seorang pengarang, pensyarah, dan juga pemidato. Beliau dikenali dunia sebagai salah seorang pakar pembicara yang amat handal khususnya dalam sesi perdebatan umum yang memerihalkan tentang masalah keagamaan Islam bersama agama-agama lain. Pada tahun 1957, Deedat bersama dua orang temannya telah mendirikan Islamic Propagation Centre International (IPCI) dan beliau telah menjadi Presidennya sehingga tahun1996. Deedat meninggal dunia pada tahun 2005 akibat mengalami angin ahmar yang telah dideritanya sejak tahun 1996.

Early Years 1918–1942

Ahmed Deedat was born in the town of, TadkeshwarBombay PresidencyBritish India in 1918.[3] His father had emigrated to South Africa shortly after the birth of Ahmed Deedat. At the age of 9, Deedat left India to join his father in what is now known as Kwazulu-Natal. His mother died only a few months after his departure. Arriving in South Africa, Deedat applied himself with diligence to his studies, overcoming the language barrier and excelling in school, even getting promoted until he completed standard 6. However, due to financial circumstances, he had to quit school and start working by the time he was the age of 16.
In 1936, while working as a furniture salesman, he came across a group of missionaries at a Christian seminary on the Natal South Coast. The missionaries, in their efforts to convert people of Muslim faith, often accused the Islamic Prophet Muhammad of having "used the sword" to bring people to Islam. Such accusations offended Deedat, and were to form a major influence on his subsequent interest in comparative religion.[4]
Deedat took a more active interest in religious debate after he came across a book entitled "Izhar ul-Huqq" (Truth Revealed), written by Rahmatullah Kairanawi while he was rummaging for reading material in his employer's basement. This book chronicled the efforts of Christian missionaries in India from a century earlier. The book had a profound effect on Deedat, and led to the purchase of his first Bible and holding of debates and discussions with trainee missionaries, whose questions he had previously been unable to answer.[4]
His foray into Bible Studies took a more serious turn when he started attending Islamic study classes held by a local Muslim convert named Mr. Fairfax. Seeing the popularity of the classes, Mr. Fairfax offered to teach an extra session on the Bible and how to preach to Christians about Islam.[4] Deedat and a few others were delighted at the opportunity. However, a few months into the project, Mr. Fairfax had to pull out of his engagement, and Deedat, who was by this point quite knowledgeable about the Bible, took over teaching the class, which he did for three years. He later crediting this experience for expanding his horizons significantly towards missionary work.
apa apa pun , korang bole lah baca ebooks dia dekat link ini
dan jugak korang boleh la tengak video debate dia 

Sekian . :)

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